We accept referrals on behalf of people from 6 months* of pregnancy or within the first 6 weeks of the postnatal period, who are experiencing isolation, are unsupported, living in disadvantaged circumstances and financial hardship.
This is done on a case-by-case basis, so please ask us if you know of someone who could benefit from the service and is less than 6 months pregnant.
We accept referrals on behalf of people from 6 months of pregnancy or within the first 6 weeks of the postnatal period, who are in isolation, or unsupported, in disadvantage and in financial hardship*.
Our Doula services are available to any woman/person who is experiencing financial hardship* and is:
At affect of domestic / intimate partner violence and / or sexual violence
Experiencing homelessness
A survivor / victim of human trafficking
Under 20 years old and unsupported
A survivor / victim of rape
With refugee / recent asylum seeking status
At least one of the above and experiencing or preparing for baby loss.
*We define financial hardship as without funds beyond basic accommodation and living expenses.
We can only accept referrals made by health or social care professionals / support workers or community members and are unfortunately not in a position to be able to accept self-referrals at this time.
Only use the linked form above to make a safe and secure online referral to Doulas Without Borders on behalf of your nominee.
Please ensure that you have the person's full permission and consent to contact us.